Christopher Fletcher is a medical and ecological anthropologist whose primary work for the past 20 years has been with arctic and subarctic Aboriginal communities in Canada. Throughout the 1990s he worked closely with Inuit communities in Nunavik on a number of health and environmental issues. He has also worked closely with a Dene community in the Northwest Territories documenting traditional medical practices and local meanings of health. His research specialty is in cultural perspectives on health in northern Canadian communities with an emphasis on mental health and wellbeing. His work is collaborative and takes direction from local issues and questions. Recent projects are diverse and include work on the language and discourse of taste and satiety in Inuktitut, public interventions and discourse in northern impact assessment processes, the provision of services to Inuit in urban centres, the social and cultural contexts and meanings of health in aboriginal communities, and the health effects of housing in Inuit regions. Within each of his research areas he is interested in the articulation of traditional, indigenous and alternative research methods, tools, and dissemination strategies with a specific focus on visual approaches.