Erick Duchesne is the Chair of the Political Science Department and a member of the Institut Québécois des Hautes Études Internationales (HEI) at Université Laval. He previously taught at SUNY Buffalo (1998-2004) and he was a research fellow at the Economic Policy Research Institute of the University Western Ontario (EPRI, Spring and Fall 2003), at the Economic Policy Division (EET) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT, Summer 2003), at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Fall 2010) and at the Université Libre de Bruxelles’ Institute for European Studies (IEE, January-September 2011). He is also the former editor (2006-08) of Politique et Sociétés. His main field of specialisation is International Political Economy and he has recently coedited special issues of International Negotiation (May 2013) on preferential trade and investment agreements and Études Internationales on the challenges of multidisciplinarity in International Studies.