Prof. Galvez’s background is in sanitary engineering and she obtained in 1994 a doctorate in environmental engineering from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Prof. Galvez is one of the last 6 nominations announced by Premier Minister J. Trudeau to form part of the Canadian Senate. She is at present full professor and the Chair of the department of civil and water engineering at Laval University in Quebec, Canada.
The fields of expertise of Prof Galvez include Water and Wastewater Treatment Process, Integrated Watershed Management, Municipal and Hazardous waste management, Soil Rehabilitation studies, Environmental Impacts Assessment, Risk Analysis and Aid decision Methods. Dr. Galvez is an internationally recognized researcher, author of hundreds of scientific articles and technical documents. More than 80 students have graduated under her supervision with many of them holding important posts in consulting and academic sectors around the world. She has acted and continues to act as expert and consultant for several national and international agencies such as the Commission of Environmental Co-operation of NAFTA, the Scottish Research Partnership organization office of the U.K. Research Council, UN-Chair for water in the Mediterranean Region, Petrobras (Brazil), Vinci Highways (France) and many others. She is also research scientists at the ISE-Italian National Research Council, Guanajuato University (Mexico) and ENTPE-Lyon (France).
She has received several awards including ‘Best Technical Editor’ from International ASTM. ‘Start-Teacher’ and ‘Outstanding Teacher’ from Laval and Guanajuato Universities, the ‘Fernand Seguin award’ for excellence in a technical article, in 2013 Prof. Galvez obtained the Ann Lindh award ‘Orgullo Peruano’ and in 2012 she received a recognition from the Latin America Chamber Commerce in Quebec.