Dr. PD Gertrude Saxinger is senior researcher and lecturer at the Department of Political Science/University of Vienna and faculty member of the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI). She has been working in Arctic Canada and Russia on resource extraction.
Her work includes political and environmental anthropology, Indigenous studies, mobility studies (especially FIFO and long-distance commute work), infrastructures in remote regions as well as gender and intersectionality. As part of the CO-CREATE Network, she also works on and with decolonial and co-creative research approaches and methodologies.
As PI of the MinErAL sub-project Beyond Hot Air - Conversations around critical raw materials supply for the ‘green’ transition https://miningbeyondhotair.org/ she collaborates with partners from New Caledonia, Australia, Sapmi, UK and Austria; including natural and social scientists.
For more details about Gertrude see: https://www.polarresearch.at/faculty/research-group-saxinger/ (Austrian Polar Research Institute APRI) and https://politikwissenschaft.univie.ac.at/en/about-us/staff/saxinger/ (Uni Vienna)